Every Nigerian might regret not reading this book

10 Atomic Habits that makes your life a stagnant water
Some of these habits exhibited everyday have been overlooked but people are unaware of the backwardness of such habits, let’s have a looking at them and why they keep you stagnant
1. Checking social media during work hours
Between the hours of 7am-5pm if it’s not business or learning I ask myself what am I doing here? What are you doing on Facebook and Instagram during work hours? You don’t own an online business on any social media platform yet you sit in an office chatting and monitoring other people’s life progress.
When I say work hours or office I don’t mean literally sitting in an office, your home could be your office, when you sit at home doing nothing why don’t you do some serious thinking how to progress, do online businesses, do a research on online jobs, be a thinker not a sleeper, stop wasting away, bro. Ladies, others are busy making profit from time spent online but you are busy uploading on Snapchat and you feeling super fly because you are getting likes and comments, will likes and comments turn into account funds?
I enjoy doing one thing a lot and it’s thinking, thinking has helped me go far with creating ideas that works, ideas that bring money and change lives. Also it depends on what you are thinking about because what you spend time thinking about will reflect in your daily life. One thing about social media is that it burns time, before you know it you have spent 5 hours chatting and fighting online, 5hours could have achieved a lot sis if it had been channelled in the right direction.
A Facebook friend once got angry with me because I don’t chat with him, that I just come online and say nothing. I laughed-the question is, why would I spend time chatting with you? What do we want to chat about? I spend time think and planning success not unnecessary chatting, I channel a lot of time and energy into thinking, planning and writing because the future is not to be joked with.
2. Comparing yourself to others
Why would any reasonable person want to do such? Even fruits on the same tree don’t ripe at the same time and considering the fact that we now live in a world where people live rich online but live in poverty offline. Sis, there’s a whole lot of fake life out there, pretenders, liars, hypocrites, inferior personalities, toxic people, these people have no purpose for their lives. You were not born the same way they were, you were not born with the same purpose and you are not destined to move at same speed. In life some arrive faster than others but do not last long as the later: because your peers are doing better than you shouldn’t make you feel depressed, they are your peers not your contenders.
Feeling worried that a young person is doing better than you should never be your concern, he is now successful and a celebrity, nobody cares, you shouldn’t bro.
Here is the problem, many young folks are busy comparing their behind the scene to the spot light of others, the truth is that you’d be grateful for your own behind the scenes if you get the opportunity to witness the behind the scenes of your Favourite celebrities. Your time will come as long as you are honestly working smart and strong, the more worried you are about the success of others the less you are able to be a successful person.
3. Complaining
Let me clear your mind on this, you can complain all you like, nobody gives a fvck, everybody has their problems to solve, the best people can give you after you complain is sympathy.
When you were born in this world millions were born too and not a single meaning was added to your life or that of any child born, only you can grow up and choose to give your life a meaning or you can choose to just be part of the worlds overpopulation.
So here is my advice to you, stop complaining and start acting, do the best with all you got. A friend once said, if you know how to do something then do it like you will die tomorrow. Potential millionaires don’t spend time complaining, they spend time thinking, creating ideas, thinking positive, studying the environment and the people with its trends, then try to take advantage of the latest trends, when there is a news or fresh trend in town consider it a national cake, make plans on how to get through the crowd so as to get your share.
Some people even have a diary of lamentations, Lol…. Maybe you should stop lamenting and start writing about progress and ideas.
4. Spending time with negative people
Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are, you have chosen to walk with them because two cannot walk together except they agree to it. Your type of friends do not only define you or influence you, they are also you. Friends should be chosen wisely because friends can turn out to be a speed to life or a total slow down- I remember when I started writing newly, I had friends who told me that I had chosen the wrong path, they said I should go get a job and stop wasting my time writing because nobody was interested in reading, I felt discourage but kept moving since the passion was strong, I discovered I loved to solve and demystify things, so I took advantage of what people around me were interested in.
In life there are three types of people, the wise, the cunning and the confused parasite, now it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor once the cunning and the confused parasite comes into your life you’d be drained. Growing stronger we will end up meeting these folks but we must out grow them: when I was a child I thought like one, when I was a teen I thought like one, but now I am an adult I should think like one.
Negative people are ready to keep you in your comfort zone for as long as possible but you should know that a comfort zone is a place where potentials will never grow and talents will remain in the dark. We are not only affected by negative friends, famous people can also be a negative influence in our lives, the type of musicians populating the planet today are majorly instigators of negativity in the lives of young folks today, drugs, fraud, gambling and sex are the top contents being injected into innocent and vulnerable minds and once they become addicted there is no going back, in some cases it will take a rehab to help change the damages.
The peer pressure from negative people is enough to make one bend especially malleable and low self esteemed individuals, this is a reason why you should flee from them, people who do nothing but criticize your dreams, abuse and mock your skills or talents will always make you embrace the comfort zone.
5. Saying ‘Yes’s to everything and anything
You have a big problem at hand if you grant request to every person even to your own disadvantage or detriment, be ready to be the free ride of cunning and ungrateful people.
When you learn to say No and stand with it, people will see you as a person of solid decisions but when you say yes to every thing even if you don’t want to, everyone will read you as weak and the weaker you are the more they look down on you but the stronger you are the more they look up to you because only the strong are decisive.
Saying yes to every request or opinion of others shows a high level of weak will power because you don’t control your will, you are being submissive to the choices of others and ignoring yours, living to please others and any man who lives to please people should be ready to live in discomfort all his life.
Will power is a powerful potent and to wield it you must understand it, practice it and master it. Being wilful and not submitting easily to the demands of others, live life not minding what others think or say. Lack of will power shows weak control and you surely won’t be likeable because people love strong people and not the weak ones, if you are weak you would be seen as a joke to be messed around with and be a subject of bullies .
The man who says yes to everybody is nothing but a public puppet, weak willed people will affirm the opinion of others even in matters that concerns their own life. One big way of making will power strong is by making your own decisions and learning from your mistakes, never be afraid to fail, how does one learn new things without failing. The only road to perfection is to learn from the failure and mistakes of others.
Note: I am not saying you should turn deaf ears to every advice or opinions given, the point is learn to make your own decisions and don’t let people run your life for you because of your weakness.
6. Sitting in the comfort zone
Do you want success? Yes of cause… that would be the answer of every person but how ready are you to work for it? Obviously you’re not getting it from your comfort zone because the comfort zone is a lazy zone, a place where you grow fat on laziness, where talents remain dormant. If you want success then leave the comfort zone now! Working from home is not a comfort zone, you can work from home but you will have to be a quick thinker and a content creator, you will have to be active and sharp, whether you want to work online or offline you must leave the comfort zone.
Let me educate you a little, money and peace are two important potential in life, if you are in a hurry to make money you might end up losing peace after getting money because there is no quick way to success, the only quick way is diabolic and dangerous. Also if you are too lazy or too dumb to work for the wealth you want then you will enjoy enough peace but with poverty as your best companion, but so you know you can have both?
There are a few things you must do to have both, you must master the art of patience and understand that no matter how talented a man is, in life some things just take time, you must learn to think up ideas, create solutions, there are so many things we want but don’t know it yet until we see it.
Patience and smart work are two keys you’d need because we now live in a world where hard work will only make you work harder, work smart and you will earn mighty, if you wish to be above your employers you must first break out of them.
I know persons who can sit down all day criticizing the government and fellow youths instead of thinking and planning, they sit down wishing for the best of life but are not ready to get up and take a step to achieving such-and-such if wishes were horses beggars would ride them to death. Do not be like these people.
7. Bragging about resolutions before they happen
You see the thing is, nobody gives a damn about your resolutions even if they are the greatest in the world, you should remember that action speaks louder than words which is the more reason you should shut up and act.
Those who brag about resolutions are the American as those who throw big parties when they achieve little success in life and I usually tell people that the greatest hindrance to success is not failure but previous success. Before you know it they have spent everything and there is hardly anything left to invest for bigger success, why is this so? This is because, a man who brags about his resolutions in public will have parasites gathered around him waiting for his success so they can devour.
If you make a decision to quit smoking, do not brag about it, keep it to yourself because the more you brag about it the more difficult it will be to keep to that decision, if you make a decision to invest in a business or start a big business keep it to yourself and don’t brag about it, be warned.
8. Creating excuses
There is a saying that, he that is good for making excuses is hardly good for anything else: 90% of failure comes from those that give excuses.
People see giving excuses as a way of pushing away certain responsibilities or procrastinating, looking for a better moment to do something that they ought to do now but what you do not know is that there never is a better moment to do it but now.
People who spend time giving excuses are basically those who are very good at procrastinating actions and duties. One thing that enables people give excuses is “Comfort”, take away their comfort and watch some of them get into action. Feeling very comfortable, enough to eat and drink, spend time watching TV and celebrities, one can easily forget that he or she is old enough to be independent but are still dependent on parents or other people, these are things that fuel procrastination.
Your excuses are the reason why your life looks like stagnant water: you don’t have the money to start, you don’t have the tools you need to start is not enough excuse neither is it good enough. Take up a pen and build up your life on paper, that is the first step, start by working on areas of success that do not need money.
9. More time with reality TV show and celebrity gossip
Imagine if your favourite celebrity spent 10 hours out of 24 watching reality TV, I am sure that you know that they wouldn’t be your favourite celebrity today because they wouldn’t even be celebrity in the first place…
If you know you are old enough to be an achiever but still under achieving then you shouldn’t be spending time watching reality TV shows, you should be reasonable enough to know that you should be build a life of independence. If you are pursing the same career as a certain celebrity, it’s okay to watch them, learn from them, follow them on social media so you can learn from their experiences but don’t spend most of your day monitoring their lives, remember you have yours so always fall back to it.
In Nigeria, some of the major trends for ladies are Keeping up with the Kardashian, Korean TV series, Indian TV series, big brother show, people can spend an entire day watching TV shows, eat and sleep, in this way your life is a stagnant water and you probably wouldn’t see it at first because you are comfortable in your virtual world but then reality comes knocking at 25 to 30and you begin to realize that you got no plan.
Young men spend time watching soccer, playing games, gambling, all these In excess are time wasters and you won’t realize to quick that your life is a stagnant water.
10. Worrying about things out of your control
As time counts down on us certain reality begins to unfold in our lives, a man cannot get a baby in one month by impregnating 9 women, you’d still have to wait for 9 months for all the babies to be born. In life certain things just take time, it doesn’t matter how talented you are or how much of a genius you may be, it just takes time. You don’t plant as mango today and expect to eat it tomorrow morning, you will have to wait for its maturity. Many of us become too worried when certain expectations are not forthcoming quick enough, it is not in your power to bring these things to come, only time will unfold them.
This is why I advice people to start up early in life, discover yourself and directions on time and start acting, the earlier you start the better for you, but one problem is that black men don’t read books, recommend a book for a black man and he’d never go into that book. You know that popular quote ‘when you want to hide something from a black man you put it in a book’.
Many people are too lazy to read books which is why they live with too many regrets, inside a book are ideas and treasures that even the best directors cannot interpret on TV, please be a reader. If Nigerians were readers we won’t be facing certain problems today
You are feeling worried that your peers are doing better than you, okay so what exact lii you do you want to do about that? There is nothing you can do to stop their moves, all you can do is build your way up there because nobody is going to do it for you.
11. Trying to make sure everything is perfect
You must be living in the virtual world of Disney if you think everything can be perfect because in the real world imperfection is the order of the day, nothing and no one is perfect. If everything was perfect then evolution wouldn’t be taking place, even the universe is constantly expanding further into emptiness.
It can never be perfect but can always be better than the former, if everything is perfect then there would be no learning or new knowledge because everything will be known but perfection is an impossibility. The more you know the more you want to know and the more you know that there is so much that you don’t know, the more you have the more you want because you will be needing more to sustain the one you have. Our wants are insatiable, we are always wanting more, when we stop wanting more and are satisfied with the current achievements then that could be perfection.
In life you cannot always get what you want, the way you imagine certain things are not the way reality will bring them to pass. When you expect too much from life you could end up getting very less which is why you should quite worrying about perfection and live life without expecting too much. Even life is so imperfect because it can turn out to work in favour of the bad and even kill off the good ones.
Peace brothers… xoxo ladies
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