Every Nigerian might regret not reading this book

Mental abilities
Mental ability is the apotheosis of mind power.
It is as simple as that; a very powerful and short definition.
The human brain gets to learn a lot of things as it matures but there are certain powers naturally deposited in the brain of each individual which makes you outstanding from another.
Mental abilities is the highest level of mind power; for those who do not understand the word “Apotheosis”.
When we watch movies, most especially superheroes, for example X-men, we see Professor Xavier, Jean Grey, Scott and the likes demonstrating mental powers on its highest level. Also superman, his ability to fly is mind controlled but all these are fictional abilities (at least to a certain level)
We all get excited when we see them do their thing but what if I tell you that you are super powered!
Every person has got something we call talents and gifts but I call them superpowers; just like mutants and Gods you don’t learn to have these powers but you learn to practice with these powers so as to become the super hero on that field.
Just like in fiction, a lot of us fail to discover our super powers because we do not explore activities around us, we’re so satisfied with our level of achievements that we fail to see that we are far greater than who we are. Some of us are even low self esteemed and lazy that we procrastinate everything, believing that now is not the better time, tomorrow will be but we forgot that tomorrow will never come because it is nothing but a mirage.
Just like in movies, you’d have to develop your super powers so as to become stronger. In movies a lot of super heroes have similar features, so many heroes can fly like superman, can move fast like him, can life incredibly heavy objects like him but superman remains outstanding amongst others, why?
We have lots of singers and dancers, comedians, writers still some rise far above others. You could have 10 talents and another having just 2 could be better than you. If you do not self develop yourself you will remain buried while the other grows stronger.
Many years ago, we had Michael Jackson, who happens to be very popular to this day; a man with his own dance moves that made him outstanding, he was no stunt man but danced better than a stunt dance man.
No one buries a superpower because everyone wants to be a hero in one way or the other but exactly have you limited yourself?
These powers come in style
For me, writing is one of my superpowers, my style of writing is different from others where I come from, although the genres are genres we see every day but because I do a lot of practice and thinking I write same genre with a different approach.
I love supernatural activities, I find them easy to understand and whenever I open the Bible I see it differently from others.
Movies are my first love, I watched movies a lot but unlike others I see beyond just the entertainment.
Making your superhero powers visible is the only way to make the world see and appreciate you.
I am going to give you 3 major things I do to improve
1. Practice makes perfect
No one becomes better without constant practice, the longer you practice the more natural you become with your powers.
In every sincere practice new knowledge is learnt and activated. For one to become a great motivational speaker, writing is not enough, you ought to go out there and stand before an audience – with constant practice you overcome stage fright.
Keep it in mind that the harder you train there is somebody out there doubling your training and practicing time. You are not the best but you can stand out, being recognized globally is not just hard work but privilege so be grateful for every moment of victory and love you receive.
2. Interacting with like minds
In batman vs superman, Lex Luther said that there is a three syllables word for ideas too big for little minds… Psychotic
When big ideas are shared with little minds negative critics are received because little minds cannot see the possibility of your dream.
An intelligent engineer shared an idea with the wrong mind, the answer he got was quite discouraging
“I want to start up a software company”
“and how do you hope to achieve that? You have no computer, no money and running a company doesn’t really look good on you why not look for something easier”
The easier way doesn’t exist, only cowards search for an easy way… the harder it is the better the result, good things don’t come easy.
I remember somebody telling me to quit writing and go get a job, he said writing was a waste of time, I ignored him because he had no idea what I was writing about.
You will be criticized negatively, to be honest with you there are time you will feel you have done the best of your work but then critics will make everything look like bullshit, its going to make you feel foolish for thinking so highly of your achievement but never give in to negative critics, just take the critics and get better by spitting your errors
3. Think out of the box
A lot of people have similar powers but your ability to think and reason extra ordinarily will make you unique from others. Doing something different from the others is what makes a “super” attached to your “hero”.
Michael Jackson created a dance step that became a world brand through which others developed dance moves, if he never started then no one will.
Someone created the Internet, someone else created Google another created Facebook, another WhatsApp. Someone made computer, someone else made Microsoft, someone started stand-up comedy, someone else started video comedy skits etc…
Can I tell you a secret? Men do not know what they want until they see it. The question you should ask yourself should be, how can I get my one cent out of every man’s pocket?
Millions are working hard but few are working smart, there are thousands of restaurants out there but why does KFC and McDonald’s stand out? There are billions of videos online but why do some stand out and get millions of views?
Here is the answer, people are like empty vessels waiting to be filled up with contents. You just need to know an answer to the question, what do men want that they don’t know? What can I give the world for history to remember me.
There are times when you could get the feeling that the world has ran out of ideas but that’s not true.
Back in the days we had small mobiles which people loved even though they never saw it coming. People saw it and liked it and said “we had always wanted something like this, something better than writing letters”, a time came we had internet enabled phones, we never knew we would want this one day until it came, then came black berry and then androids, they want something better than android, can you give it to them?
Whoever you are reading this, you could be the next global breakthrough.
The world can know you for two things, the problem you created or the problem you solved.
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