New Trend




  It’s okay to pick a woman because she is beautiful but don’t marry her just because she is, in one of my YouTube videos I talked about why people cheat and how to stop it and there I said that men should look out first for women that fit their physical qualities before searching for inner qualities, the reason for this is basically to help men fight the lust for other women. 

   A lot of very beautiful women have proven to us over and over that beautiful face is not akin deep which is an important reason why beauty should not freak you out. As much as it is very annoying to see men make themselves slaves to beauty it is also laughable. The way of the superior man is the road every man should be walking but I know that’s impossible, just as the poor will never cease in the land, feeble men will never cease to exist not because they were not educated enough but because they were educated but chose to stay ignorant. 

   Talking about marriage, marriage is a big deal, it is a bind that stays till forever and that is why it is important to choose a wife wisely, beauty is good but don’t forget to dig through her qualities because attitude matters, improve her good qualities and eliminate the bad ones, if she refuses to let go of bad qualities then let her go then you search for another. 

   For a man to be able to improve a woman’s qualities and eliminate bad ones he must certainly be in control of that relationship, if he isn’t in control of that relationship it would be impossible to bend her and once a woman becomes impossible for you to bend it only means you are weak and she is in charge and once a woman is in charge there are two things she can do; Take advantage of the power you gave her or dump your ass–the crazier ones will do both respectively. Just in case you are wondering why she would do such a thing, well, she would do such a thing because women are not good with power, they tend to over use or abuse it’s purpose over time or easily get controlled by sentiments or her emotions, another reason she would do such is because she lost attraction for you. 

   Women are basically attracted to the tough guys, if you lose your toughness and become weak she begins to see you as unworthy of her, she is ever happy to please the tough guy but the happiness of a feeble man is not her concern talk less of being her priority. 

   The moment a man is able to get a woman to make him her major priority then he will be able to improve and remove what he doesn’t want in her. 

   In summary, what I am trying to say to you is that it is the fault of a man if you marry a bad wife, it is also your fault if you end up as a divorced man. You were made to be an authority over women, you manliness and impeccable intelligence or understanding about life and relationship is what will make a woman feel comfortable enough to stay under your control without worrying and feel completely secured. 

  Everything women turn out to be are all a construct of men’s actions or inactions, she is the bitch or slut because some men bent her, she is the feminist and power hungry lady because some men made her, she is the pretender, cheat, the arrogant bitch, every single thing she is, she is because you made her, it was what men wanted so she molded herself into such 

   If men today start wanting girls who dress like virgin Mary, many ladies will make themselves into such.

  She may be everything you don’t want but she can be everything you want, she is the TV and you are with the remote control, she will change the channel for the right man, the question is, how many enough are you to make her loyal? 

  Marriage is deep so if you marry a woman and divorce her tomorrow and call her ex wife, she was once your wife, you call her a cheat, slur, the slit was once your wife bro. 

Are you man enough to make a woman become what you want? You don’t tell her to be, you make her be it, be the action. 

Stop searching for the good girls because you might search for eternity, good girls can be turned bad and bad turned good, don’t be surprised if you find that good girl licking another man’s anus. 

  The question is, can you actually make the remarkable change? 


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