A young man in search of redemption for his country goes to an elder to seek advice on his quest only for him to get what he wasn't expecting, something that changed his life and mind
Warning! The content of this book is highly sensitive and so I plead with you not to misuse it especially guys who want revenge on girls that hurt them. Lol. Please this is not a revenge book to take advantage of ladies. This book is written solely for matured minds who want to be superior. This book is a complete pack of relationship, sex and sexual enlargement. Here are some of the things to expect in this book * How to overcome fear of talking to women * The 14 days confidence builder that works like magic * Why you fail and bad guys succeed * Differences between bad guys and alphas * Why she ignores your chat and how to make her anticipate your reply * How to make her attraction for you go from 0 to 100 * The right way to talk and chat * The right way to touch her and make her pull your clothes hungrily * How to last longer in bed * How to enlarge your dick with No stupid pills * The synonym pattern * Why she friendzoned You and how to get out * How to date two ho...
Mental abilities Mental ability is the apotheosis of mind power. It is as simple as that; a very powerful and short definition. The human brain gets to learn a lot of things as it matures but there are certain powers naturally deposited in the brain of each individual which makes you outstanding from another. Mental abilities is the highest level of mind power; for those who do not understand the word “Apotheosis”. When we watch movies, most especially superheroes, for example X-men, we see Professor Xavier, Jean Grey, Scott and the likes demonstrating mental powers on its highest level. Also superman, his ability to fly is mind controlled but all these are fictional abilities (at least to a certain level) We all get excited when we see them do their thing but what if I tell you that you are super powered! Every person has got something we call talents and gifts but I call them superpowers; just like mu...
10 Atomic Habits that makes your life a stagnant water Some of these habits exhibited everyday have been overlooked but people are unaware of the backwardness of such habits, let’s have a looking at them and why they keep you stagnant 1. Checking social media during work hours Between the hours of 7am-5pm if it’s not business or learning I ask myself what am I doing here? What are you doing on Facebook and Instagram during work hours? You don’t own an online business on any social media platform yet you sit in an office chatting and monitoring other people’s life progress. When I say work hours or office I don’t mean literally sitting in an office, your home could be your office, when you sit at home doing nothing why don’t you do some serious thinking how to progress, do online businesses, do a research on online jobs, be a thinker not a sleeper, stop wasting away, bro. Ladies, others are busy making profit from time spent online but you are busy uploading ...
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