Why you cheated and how to make it stop
I was shocked to discover that a friend of mine was cheating on her husband… jeez… this was somebody I could have easily bet on but I would have lost. She and her husband are both good friends to me, I just wept on the inside and I am yet to confront her because these days people don’t listen to advices they’d rather learn from experience
Now the question is, what is our problem? Food, sex and money are our top satisfaction
Why do we cheat? I pondered on this question for a while then got my answer.
Poor standards
Lack of contentment
Lack of self control
Unguided exuberance
Sexual satisfaction
Another quick question, is it possible not too cheat? Yes it is very possible… the reason for cheat falls under those four
People have the mentality that if we are not married you don’t own me, so I have the right to go out with other guys. Well, you actually don’t have the right to… the attitudes displayed in dating will reflect heavily in marriage, you don’t expect me to marry you after you cheated on me with another guy?
Marriage is a special thing and you don’t just take any thing or anybody into it which is why you need to set standards that works for you.
The last thing you want to do is marry somebody with the mind that they will change after marriage, you just ended up making the biggest mistake of your life.
If you want a woman with big ass then don’t go for the one with small ass because tomorrow you could start flirting with the big ass you love. If you want a woman with beautiful face and thick skin then don’t go for beautiful and skinny, these physical attributes should come first because these are what makes the first impressions, the way you want a woman to look physically should be your first standards before the abstract qualities.
What the eyes see is what the brain interprets as pleasure so look for the woman with the physical looks you want first. If you go below your standards you’d find yourself stepping out of your relationship just to satisfy your want.
The inner qualities should follow next, these are qualities you would discover through dating and courtship. Don’t forget that you can never have a perfect woman that meets on all your qualities, you can easily find a woman that meets your physical qualities but when it comes to abstract qualities you would have to work on her for you to enjoy the union and don’t forget that you are not perfect, you gave flaws too so stop looking for the perfect partner.
Once again it is very important that you marry a woman that is physically pleasant to your eyes and meets your physical qualities because these will help your self control and contentment.
One of the top qualities a man must have is contentment, learn to be satisfied with what you have, it’s not like somebody chose that partner for you, you chose for your self so why do you intend to cheat?
Some people still go out to have sex outside their relationship despite having what they want, that is a shameful show of lack of contentment. Selfishness in relationship is like poison and it kills you not the partner, consider the feels of each other and put selfishness aside.
Ability to be contented would birth self control on both sides, self control is not an easy quality but it takes determination and walking away from temptations. When situations are going out of control you can walk away from that strong lustful desire.
Marriage is a big deal bro, you’d have to remember that you just have to be with one partner till the end, so you should know that self control is very needed here
From the days of our youths, the gusto to want to explore the mundane excitement is rushing through the veins and when these excitement are unguided they lead to regrettable consequences.
The moment you enter a union then understand that those exuberance will have to be guided and will be limited to just ‘for two’. Some people tend to have friends that try to drag them out off the comfort of marriage into unguided exuberance with the lame excuse of “feeling like a bachelor again”, bro you are no bachelor again, sister you are no spinster anymore so learn to guide your exuberance and enjoy every youthful fun with your partner
This is the seal of a relationship so it should not be over looked, it heavily builds a relationship and the satisfaction of your partner should be important to you except you want him or her to go outside and get some good fuck that you can’t give, in sex you have to explore and communicate with each other, know what works and what doesn’t, know the favorite sex position of your partner. If you are a one minute guy (two seconds everywhere bust... Lol) better go out and seek solution.
If she loves a lot of fore play then give it to her or she might go out and get it from somebody else and stop disturbing you about it. If he wants a blow job then give it to him except you want other girls to do it for you, and trust me so many girls out there will do it for free.
Understand you partner’s sex language and build on it, sexual satisfaction is very important and a key factor to whether or not a relationship will be solid or not because great sex bonds two persons together.
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