A red car pulls over in front of a large store, the environment looked very much busy even though it was past 10pm; the street lights shined brightly on the tarred road
"Now listen up, we have 5mins to clear and if any delay, kill at will" Baddo had this strong Yoruba accent; Chukudi and Aburo nodded in agreement
"Let's get it done" Chukudi said: they stepped out of their car and walked into the store and walked straight to the counter without minding people around.
"Everybody down now!" Baddo orders as all three pull out guns from their clothes, Baddo fires twice into the ceiling as people quickly lay flat on the floor. Obviously the robbers were nervous too as their hands trembled lightly with the guns
"Hand over all the money now" Baddo thundered, the frightened lady quickly clears the money in the locker And pours it on the table; Aburo packs it all in a bag, Chukudi was busy packing food stuff
“Is that all? “
“Yes sir” she replied with trembling voice
“Shut up! Bring it out now, I don’t have all day” Baddo pointed the gun at her, she pulls out another locker and pours the cash on the table as Aburo packed it all but suddenly they hear the sound of siren
“Police!” Chukwudi said
“Who called the police?! “Baddo asked loudly but no answer as people had their heads down
“Who called the police?! “ he barked again then shot in the air as people scream
“Let’s go” Aburo said; Baddo turns and shoots the attendant and she dropped to the ground
“Move out” Baddo ordered as they left the store. They started shooting carelessly not minding if anyone got killed, a police car pulls over and the officers get in position to fire. Baddo and his men got in their car and drove off, the police car followed immediately
“They are following us” Chukwudi said as he looked back
“Shoot them” Baddo said as he rode faster, both cars running on high speed through the dark road. Baddo happens to be a skilled driver as he created enough distance between them and the police but the police kept following the back light of their car, Baddo suddenly turns of all the lights and making the cops lose track of them, he then drives recklessly into a dark bushy pat.
The police van comes some distance then stops
"Shit we lost them" one of the officer said
"Na that road them enter" a man says from the dark street, the police car follows flashing their head lights brightly
Baddo drove down the rough dusty path in darkness
"Where are we going? " Aburo asked
"We have to lose them completely" He replied
"On headlight Na" Chukudi suggested
"No not yet" he refuses, not long their car collides with a tree giving out a loud band
"Ahhh! My head" Aburo held his head
"I warned you" Chukudi felt the pain of collision
"Get out the car quickly" Baddo comes touching his chest, they hear siren approaching
"Let's move" Baddo say as they pack up and head into the dark bushes. The forest was dark but they managed their way through then noticed a small house ahead with lights on the inside
"Get to that house" Baddo said as they walked forward, getting to the house they barge in rudely to see a man and his wife who were both startled
"Who are you?" The man questioned
"Shut up" Baddo ordered and pointing a gun at them suddenly he sees Chukwudi and Aburo fall to the ground, he quickly turns to see a huge man who grabs his hand and knocks him out with a powerful punch to the face and he passed out...
The police car pulls over behind the car that hit the tree, two police officers come out with guns and walked to the car with torches but didn't see anyone
"Looks like they crashed" one officer said
"I know this place, they can't get far, the stories behind this place is a mystery. People have gone missing mysteriously" the other said
"Where do you think they headed?"
"Let's go further a little"...
Baddo opens his eyes to see himself on a wooden table, the place smelt like meat and fresh blood, he looked around, on his left were different metal weapons hanging on the wall, all rusted, on the roof top is a yellow bulb shining brightly, he tries moving but couldn't because he was tied down
The door opened and the huge man walked in followed by the other man and his wife; the couples looked very young and the woman was beautiful.
"Who are you?" Baddo asked with fear
"I asked you but you didn't answer me” the young man said, Baddo looked at their faces with fear
"He looks scared" the wife said
"Does he?"
"Yes he does"
"Soon your fears will be gone boy as well as your life" the man said
"Don't kill me please" he begged
"You are a thief, you barged into our home" the wife said, the huge guy doesn't, he walked to the wall and takes a rusted knife
"What do you want to do with that" Baddo asked with fear in his voice, knowing fully well what was going to happen; the big guy tore his clothes and leaving Baddo completely naked. Then takes a drip bag with a long narrow rubber pipe; the bag is full of an unknown liquid
"What's that?" Baddo asked
"Acid" the lady smiles
"No! Please don't do this"
"Is he begging?" The lady asked
"I guess... Luke wait" the other man says to the big guy
"Let's try something else" he said then puts on a surgical glove then inserts the pipe into Baddo's private part
"Please stop, I beg you" the plea fell on deaf ears; he then takes a syringe filled with alcohol and injects it into the pipe
"What is that going to do" the lady asked
"I don't know? I guess we'll find out" he smiles, Baddo begins screaming as he felt hurt in his bladder, he injected more until the bladder was full then he had more the pipe and ties the penis tightly
"Almost there" man said as he touched the bladder position lightly, as the bladder couldn't release the heavy content it sends it back into his organs, leaving Baddo in pains
"Excellent" he said then unties the penis and starts inserting the pipe again, Baddo crying and pleading, the cruel man then takes another content in a syringe and is about to inject it
"What is that?" His wife asked
"No way" she stops him
"What is it honey" he questioned
"I want to eat his heart" she then grabs a rusted knife
"His heart"
"Yes, Chloroform will damage all the organs" she said
"Okay then, enjoy... Luke let's go take care of the others" they both leave
"Thanks love" she said then looks at Baddo
"Please I beg you, don't do this" he cried, she touched his head then she quickly withdraws her hands in shock
"You killed someone today" she said with widened eyes; she could read his mind
"I swear it was a mistake" he defended
"The wages of sin..." She raised the knife in the air with both hands; Baddo's eyes widen
"Is death!!" She stabs him on the chest, he screams in pain, she stabs again, breaking through his rib cage, then forcefully tears the flesh and bone open with her hands she pulls out the heart and cuts off all the veins and arteries attached; Baddo was already dead
"It’s beautiful" she said holding the beating heart, then takes a large bite, blood spill on her face
"Hmm, delicious" she licks her lips...
Aburo was shouting for help at the top of his voice as he is tied to a chair
"Will you shut the hell up" the cruel man said as he walked in with the huge guy, Aburo is frightened
"Please don't kill me, I beg you"
"Luke! It’s been a while we had some good human meat isn't that right?" The cruel man asked Luke who nodded lightly
"I swear I will never come here again" he begged
"You are not leaving talk less of coming back"
"Haaaa, ejo! Please!" He begged, the cruel man walks to him and stabs his stomach deeply with a blade as blood gushes out
"Jesus!" Aburo screamed out in pain as blood come out his mouth, the cruel man tears him open and pulls out all the intestines and cuts them off
"Hanging him over there" he instructed Luke, Luke lifts the body like an empty bag and throws it to a large hook hanging from the roof, the rusted hook pierces through from the back to the front as the body dripped blood
"We got a lot of meat this season... Let's go see our last friend...
Luke and the cruel man walked in to meet Chukwudi who was calm but scared, Chukwudi knew the others were dead immediately he saw blood on their clothes
"This one looks very calm" the man says as he stared at Chukwudi
"Honey" the wife walked in
"Yes dear"
"Are you not through" she asked
"Almost sweetie... Almost" he said walking to Chukudi
"Wait" she said the man stood
"I like this one... Don’t kill him” she pleaded, the man looks at Chukwudi
“Honey please” she kissed her husband's cheek
“we have enough meat, let him go” she said
“Are you sure?”
“Yes dear”
“Oh better still, take his teeth and tongue then let him go”
“Luke! Do it” he said.
Luke takes up a plier from a table, opens Chukuwdi's mouth forcefully then breaks some upper teeth, he screams in pain Then Luke cuts his tongue then they give him all the stolen items and sent him away...
After searching the unknown place for some time the officers return to their car
“Let’s leave... It’s a dangerous and mysterious place” the first officer says as he flashes his torch light, suddenly they hear somebody screaming and coming out of the bushes, both pull out their guns as Chukwudi comes out with blood all over him and collapses in the second officer's hands, they recognize him as one of the thieves who came out the store
“What happened?” he questioned, all Chukwudi could do was scream in pains and fear and pointing to the forest as blood and saliva kept flowing from his mouth he then passes out.
“My God what happened? Let’s get him to a hospital” the officer said
“There would be no need for that” the other officer said then hits a big stone on the head of the second officer and he died
“I told you let’s leave but you refused” he said, the cruel man walks out the bush
“Hello Brother”
“I thought I warned you not to leave traces of victims” the officer says
“Tracy liked this one and said he should go”
“Fuck you! Fuck Tracy! Why you letting her run your head” the officer is angered
“I’m sorry bro”
“Call Luke and you both take his body away from here... As for the officer let me handling that” the officer says then shoots himself in the leg, he screams out in pain then goes to his car radio
“Officer George is down, send back up... Criminals on the run” he said then cuts the signal, he gets in the car then reverses then jams the car in front then turns around and drives off...
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