The Danger Jesus never talked about
Hushpuppi didn’t stop scamming because there was something he was highly ignorant of
(Read to the end)
This particular issue, Jesus said very little about, apart from saying the wages of sin is death and a few other things he said about sin, he never detailed what happens when one goes deeper into sin.
Allow me to help you understand deeper, the dangers of involving in evil
There are two things about sin (evil) that people don’t know. The consequence of evil will come to pass no matter how long also, the deeper you go into evil the harder it is to come out. I am talking about Killing, Rape, drugs, Sexual Immoralities, Greed, and many more.
Stay with me, I am going somewhere
The consequences of evil is dished out by karma or fate, there is no escaping it, there is no forgiving it because it remains a default setting of our reality. God had given us Good and then came Evil, he asked us to choose one, he being so good advices that we pick good over Evil. So if you pick evil you would earn yourself the default results of evil, so basically karma gives you result on which ever choices you make.
If a man rapes a girl, there are high chances that his daughter or grand daughter might suffer same fate, if you dive into alcohol and drugs and it becomes abuse then be ready for the consequences that follows but this is not the reason for this article, the reason I am writing this is to address the inability to come out of sin
Do you know anywhere in the Bible Jesus talked about this?
No… why? Because you are not suppose to go into evil in the first place.
In Christianity, there is something they call ‘the reprobate mind’, this is a person who finds it difficult or impossible to repent
Some people think if a man kills 100 persons and he comes to Christ to ask for forgiveness then goes back and kills again and comes back to Christ to seek forgiveness, he goes again and kills and come back to ask for forgiveness, people think God will continue to forgive him.
Let me make something very clear, that is not how reality works… the more one does evil the harder it is to come to repentance. Do you think kill 5 persons is a small deal? They get to a point where they accept that they are who they are, the evil becomes a permanent resident.
Do you think it is easy to ask for forgiveness? Do you think asking for mercy is so easy?
Do you think repentance is when you go to an altar and pray for mercy and then go home?
Repentance is deep, deeper than what you think, it takes humility and letting go of a lot of things before one can drop down to his knees to ask mercy from somebody you have never seen in your life. An evil man has no heart of repentance.
Repentance reaches the evil man by grace and the more interesting fact is that, the more the evil you commit the further away the grace, this is not God’s fault it is the natural order of reality.
So don’t think that a woman can sleep with 50 men and just wake up one morning and go for repentance, don’t think that a man can kill 50 persons and then go to God for repentance, do you have any idea what it means to kill 50 persons, do you have any idea what it means to rape and kill 1-2-3-4-5-6 persons?
Do you think they can just wake up one morning and just go and repent? It is an addictive act, once you have started you have got to keep going: if you watched the movie Gemini man you will discover that Henry had gotten to the point where killing was a hobby.
Prostitution and drugs have deep set backs, repentance is not cheap, they can come out for altar calls in church and end up going back, why? This is because the repentance heart come to us only by Grace.
There are majorly two types of Grace: the one that is readily available for all, it is responsible for success in life and our survivals (some people call it luck, privilege, or favour), the other type of Grace is the repenting Grace, this one is not so available because our ways of life pushes it further and further away.
If you think it’s easy to stop evil ask hushpuppi why he didn’t stop scamming after making so much cash... because the evil had become a permanent resident in form of greedy.
So stop thinking that one can commit so much evil and easily come to repentance, that’s not how reality works, evil doesn’t let go of its victims so easily, it makes itself the regular or the addiction.
For the Grace of repentance to come to you, it take serious humility and letting go, the deeper you are into evil the harder it is for you to get out, the less you are into evil the easier it is
So here is my advice to you, stay the hell away from evil and also pray that evil doesn’t find you and also pray you don’t walk into evil…
Signed: King Zaddy
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